Monday, May 23, 2011

The Scoop on OC Farmer’s Markets: Buena Park

In the past few years farmers markets have become more popular. This spring and summer I will be visiting several farmers’ markets and rating them based on quality, variety, customer service and location.
Farmer’s markets have become so popular because of the freshness, cost effectiveness of the produce and unique items sold that are rarely found anywhere else. Not to mention the awesome food vendors selling exotic foods and good old fashioned comfort food. Farmer’s markets are great for just about anyone; teens, families, singles and retirees alike there is something for everyone. It gives the consumer a chance to get out, get a little exercise and enjoy the outdoors. Most farmers’ have free admission and are open for business about 5 hours one day a week. Many of the vendors also have their businesses on-line which allow you to purchase their items and have them shipped to you.
 Buena Park Farmer’s Market   
La Palma/Stanton – Sears Parking Lot  
Buena Park  
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  
Manager: Lee Ostendorf  
562-449-9299 (cell)   
The Buena Park Farmer’s Market sells: fruits and vegetables, pottery, jewelry, clothing, accessories, gourmet foods and food court.
Even though Buena Park is my hometown location, I still find that it is my favorite farmers’ market thus far. The vendors are super friendly; there are no high pressure sales just great people with great products and goods.
My favorite vendor is Debbie from “Salsa Anytime”. Debbie sales 4 dry mixes to make salsas or guacamole that requires the consumer to add tomato sauce, a can of tomatillos or avocados. There or 4 levels of heat mild, medium, hot and extra hot. My personal favorite is medium and my family loves the medium too. The dry mix comes in a round plastic container for convenient storage. Debbie also sells homemade tortilla chips. If you can’t get to the farmers market you can order the salsa from the Salsa Anytime website  
There is also a great food court some of them are a little pricey, but for the most part all the food is yummy. My favorite food vendors are the Chinese/Boba vendor and the burrito/tamale vendor.
For the little ones, there is a vendor that has a petting zoo and pony rides. However, they are only at the farmers’ market in the spring and summer months.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Attention CA Parents!! We are in a State of Emergency with our Public Schools.

There has been a lot of talk surrounding California Public Schools (CAPS) and the many budget cuts over the past several years. Many of us parents that have kids in CAPS have felt it through class size increases, cut programs and lay-offs of teacher and vital staff. CA State Legislation plans to cut another $4 million from all CAPS. Now more than ever we need to help keep our kids and young adults from loosing their rightful education and their future. CA Residents can help stop these cuts now.

CAPS Teachers have been passing out flyers with information on how everyone (not just parents) can help. CA citizens can CALL legislators, EMAIL and or ATTENDRALLY in LA, MAY 13th. The purpose of the rally is to gain supporters through awareness to obtain a two-thirds vote needed to place a TAX EXTENSION  MEASURE ON THE BALLOT JUNE 2011.

Locally, Centrailia School District stands to lose at least $1.5 million of the district's budget if the extension is not on the ballot and passed in June.  The breakdown of budget each school stands to lose is as follows: Buena Terra $130,000, Centrailia $187,000, Danbrook $230,000, Miller $175,000, Dysinger $156,000, Los Coyotes $ 175,000, Raymond Temple $114,000 and San Marino $190,000. Centrailia School District was forced to shut down one of their schools and lay-off most of the school's teachers. The average class size has increased to about 35 students per class due to the school closing.

Statewide, CA may lose 20,000 more teachers adding to the 30,000 they have already lost these past three years. Entire music, art, sports programs are being cut from schools. Computer labs and libraries are closing down all across CA. Do your part and contact local legislators. Contact info below:

CA Legislators        Email:       To Attend the Rally, call
888-268-4334                                                                       (714) 956-4581

Please join teachers and parents that support the June 2011 Tax Extension.

Blessing Always,
