Friday, April 15, 2011

Be Honest About Your Feelings!

People have a hard time expressing their feelings. I am not talking about feelings of love per say, but just feelings in general. Lately, I have come across people that would rather assume that someone feels a certain way about them than confronting the issue that creates the doubt or concern. By not expressing their feelings, people begin to make assumptions that can make situations complicated. But before I go on any further I would like to tell you a little saying my friend used to say. She said "Jen you know what assuming does?" I said what "it makes and ASS out of you and me." We both laughed because of the emphasis on the word ASS, but its true. Because when you make assumptions they are usually negative vibes regarding how someone acted toward you or feels about you. Making assumptions and not questioning the feelings that go hand and hand with it destroys friendships and intimate relationships. Its always the same gripe with assumptions "so and so did this or said this so I am not talking to them because they don't want talk to me". But the kicker is the other person usually feels the same way and both people are in the dark because they won't talk about their feelings. The reasoning behind their assumptions is fear, fear that the person actually does feel how they assumed. So people suck in their feelings instead of bringing them to the surface. MY ADVICE IS talk to your friend or lover about your feelings the worst that can happen is that their feelings toward you are true. You can either talk it out and make amends or walk away with a clear head and cut ties. But don't assume, chances are the person was just having an off day, it happens to all of us.

Blessings always - Jen


  1. Congratulations, Jen. The hardest part of a new venture is getting started and you are on your way. Much Love and Many Blessings.

  2. I know for me that when talking about a "hot topic" issue that I have needed to edit what I want to say so that it ends up being a productive conversation. I think that speaking your mind is good and found that the approach is the area that I have had to work on the most. I think it depends on the outcome you want. If you are wanting a way to express how you feel so that there is a resolution or discussion-questions and edited responses can still get the job done. Of course-if you are not looking for anything to come from what you are feeling then the blurt out works too! You are right though-assumptions don't do anything but cause drama and pain!

  3. Jen-
    Great job on the true. I'm looking forward to the next one.

  4. I am glad you all like my blog. It comes from a place of personal experience. I am guilty of assumptions too. Its just something I have been dealing with lately with someone I care about and thought I would share it. Thanks for everyone's well wishes for my blog. Herb I will be calling you tomorrow.
