Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day is Tomorrow! - Things you can do to help save our planet.

Earth Day is April 22nd every year and it is becoming more and more recognized all over the world. Instead of dedicating one day to our mother earth, we should practice rituals that conserve energy and resources everyday. I know in my last blog "The Big Lay-off" I talked about some green practices to save money when being laid-off. Practices such as; multi-use meals and shopping at farmers markets. Multi-use meals are meals you can turn into other meals later on. For example, if you cook some chicken breast and have some left over you can use it to make chicken salad sandwiches for lunch the next day or left over bread crumbs and egg from a recipes that uses breading can be sauteed in a pan to make homemade bread crumbs for a salad. The easiest way to save some cash and the planet is buying at local farmers markets. You may ask how does this save the earth? Well its simple, first of all locally grown food saves man power and resources. When you by from farmers markets there are no plastic bags unless you request them and there are also no pesticides.

Besides the things that I mentioned to incorporate in your daily rituals you can also do simple things like recycling anything and everything that has the recycle symbol on it. Use less energy by leaving the lights off as much as possible. Use less water and comply with your city's water conservation plan. If you have small plastic bags from the grocery store don't throw them away; use them for small trash bags, taking your lunch to school or work and for taking your dog on a walk to store treats or pick up waste. You can also go a step further it may be a little more expensive, but you can save energy by purchasing only energy efficient appliances. You can also save a lot of cash on utility bills by installing solar panels on your roof. Solar panels cost about $25,000, but they will cut your utility bills in half.

There are so many things we can do to save our planet. There are also many websites that promote green living and energy conservation, especially now during earth day week. So check them out you will learn something new and if you practice any of the suggestions I made or the things you learn from the web you will be saving our planet and preserving it for future generations.

Blessings Always - Jen

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